Building trauma-informed opportunity structures to enhance social support, economic security, and community resources and support the development of family strengths and protective factors during the prenatal period.
Prenatal Opportunity Projects
We leveraged underutilized opportunities to promote child wellbeing and prevent abuse and neglect during the prenatal period. The Prenatal Opportunity focus includes preconception, pregnancy, and early fatherhood. Innovations span the life course from preconception to young adulthood, and are based in different community settings, including schools, clinics, and community centers.
These projects include enhancements of the CenteringPregnancy group-based prenatal care and well childcare models with socio-emotional learning that supports the development of protective factors and occurs in a peer-to-peer setting. We also are supporting efforts work with young adult men prior to parenthood, in group based settings using trauma-informed models to support social networks, connections and resources to promote positive development and role transitions.