Posts About Male Engagement Task Force
Digital Storytelling: Recalling the Past
Male Engagement Taskforce: Holiday Fun
Within the Vital Village Network, there was a recognized need for supportive services for males and fathers. As a result, the Vital Village Network Male Engagement Taskforce was formed. Vital Village’s Male Engagement Taskforce has been heavily involved in collecting data to examine father engagement in the early stages of child development.
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Before I became an AmeriCorps VISTA, male engagement and fatherhood initiatives were not even a blip on my radar. The depiction of black fatherhood in society today is often negative and as a result, a very large shadow is cast on the male caregivers that are positively involved in their children’s lives. Not all fathers follow the storyline that leads to their incarceration or parental absence. Through the Leadership Summit, I was able to meet individuals working in Boston to support these present and committed fathers.
When it comes to the climate of fatherhood and male engagement work in Boston, there are organizations that have succeeded in delivering services to promote self-care and development, building relationships, and navigating social support institutions.